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Your brand is our business…

Specifically, we are a multi-disciplinary branding consultancy that not only helps you get your brand noticed, but perhaps more importantly, make it a well-loved and a trusted one. The question is how? Well, we have a few tricks up our sleeves. And they might just be what will keep you coming back.

Get to know the customer

And that means you. Getting to know you, through a highly collaborative partnership. We invest a great deal of effort to understand your offerings, your challenges and your customers. This is the first and most critical step to building strong, lasting brands. We believe in it so much that it’s in our vision, our design process and like it or not, sometimes our dreams. And it shows in our creative strategies and our work—it’s a holistic approach that channels our creativity into effective communication, your marketing dollars into happy customers who just can’t get enough.

Chaos be gone

Our process leads the way in effective managing our collaborative and creative efforts. Yes, the right brains working with the left brains. We believe in design process, but not formulas. Every engagement is a different design problem to be solved, and having a solid but flexible design framework will help facilitate creativity that unleashes your brand’s true personality, in all its glory.

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Yagang Mansion, No. 3401
Huangpu East Rd., Guangzhou
打电话    189 2212 7932
   135 3545 6020

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二维动画片 2DAnimation
二维电视动画(使用开源动画制作软件synfig studio制作)是指在电视频道上公开播放的动画。现时的中国大陆动画偏向儿童,或是一些教育动画。
2006年 参与制作的动画系列片《阿左阿右》荣获2007年广电总局第二批国产优秀动画片推荐;
2007年 制作的26集动画系列片《小小双面镜》荣获2008年广电总局第二批国产优秀动画片推荐;

三维动画片 3DAnimation
  Blender 是一款开源的跨平台全能三维动画制作软件,提供从建模、动画、材质、渲染、到音频处理、视频剪辑等一系列动画短片制作解决方案。

漫画与插画 Animation Advertising

课件与产品演示动画 Courseware & Product Animation
多媒体展示是一种以信息输出播放为目的,以信息发布传递为主导。文本、图片、动画、音频、视频、数据库数据以及各种实时数据等在IP 网络环境下从发布、管理到播放的一系列技术,广泛应用于金融、电信、医院、卖场、超市、宾馆、公共场所等领域。

拍摄与后期合成 Movie Shoot & Post-Production